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Different Perspective Training Ltd.

Who are we & what do we do?

DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; Training First Aid on a Bridge, Whatever Your Workplace

At Different Perspective Training Ltd. we specialise in delivering engaging and memorable First Aid, Mental Health and Outdoor Safety Training. Our flexible training programmes are always tailored to meet your needs and those of your workplace. We can support your staff by delivering bespoke training at your site, focussing on your specific working environment, or your staff can join our Public Training Courses that are open to all.


Our company roots have been forged in developmental pedagogy, with over 20 years’ educational experience in teaching, outdoor education, and expedition leadership. Encouraging people to challenge themselves and learn is our passion.  This long history in education and training has given us a firm belief in what we do, how we do it, and is centred on the core principle that support and care of others should not just be a responsibility within workplace or whilst working, but beyond it, in every walk of life. This is what we mean when we say, “Our training is proudly delivered For Your Workplace and Life Beyond It”.

DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; CPR, BLS and Defibrillator Training
DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; Casualty Assessment Forest School First Aid
DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; BLS & CPR Training to some Doctors and Healthcare Practitioners
DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; Set up and ready for an EFAW Course in Central London
DPTrainingUK First Aid Training. Photo; Monitoring and Preparing for keeping a casualty safe
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