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Off-Site Safety Management Training & Consultancy

Our Off-Site Safety Management programmes have been designed in answer to concerns about heading outdoors and in the safe management of off-site activities and trips. From an insight in to legislation with real practical examples to simply demystifying trip planning and risk assessments, our courses are client operation focused and are always tailored to meet your needs.


Our team are also able to come into your school to help you with Off-Site Risk Management Polices.

DPTrainingUK Off-Site Safety Management Training. Photo; Frozen Lake Hyde Park, London

Off-Site Safety Management


​The 2-day OSSM course is designed to equip attendees with the ability to apply knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills within the context of off-site visits.

The course is aimed at those responsible for taking children/young people/adults out of their everyday environments (such as; geographical or environmental field trips, on sporting fixtures and tours, on organised activities).


DPTrainingUK Off-Site Safety Management Training. Photo; Geography Field Work at the Coast

Off-Site Visit Safety Programmes (OSVS)​

​The Off-Site Visit Safety (OSVS) programmes are a series of tailored courses aimed at staff working off-site, be it teachers on a school trip, researchers collecting field data, or students completing their dissertations. The OSVS courses introduce the legal framework and associated documentation that drives workplace policy and aims to empower staff to feel more confident about working off-site and the associated responsibilities. It aims to equip attendees with the ability to apply knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in a range of contexts.

DPTrainingUK Off-Site Safety Management Training. Photo; Geography and Biology Fieldwork on the Isle of White

NQT Preparation & Planning for Off-Site Trips (PPOST)​

​This training programme has been specifically tailored for Trainee and Newly-Qualified Teachers. The course aims to demystify the planning and preparation needed to successfully plan your first Off-Site Trip with a school.

We look at the legalities behind all the steps that trip leaders need to take to safely run a trip, be it a theatre visit or an overseas expedition; as well as covering a healthy dose of the practicalities that require advance planning to prevent those awkward last-minute "Please remember..." emails.

Our Off Site Safety Management Courses are Accredited and Regulated by The Royal Geographical Society - IBG.
DPTrainingUK Off-Site Safety Management Training Banner RGS Royal Geographical Society
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